Where do I complete the online nutrition classes?
Will I need to create an account?
If you are new to wichealth.org, you will need to create an account. You will continue to use this account to complete classes. Make sure to remember your login information.
What if I have used wichealth.org in the past with my WIC Checks?
- If you have had a previous account before we switched over to the WIC Card, you can still use that account.
- You are able to update your family ID once you have successfully signed in.
What agency do I choose?
SDSU Research Foundation WIC
What is my family ID?
We can give you that information when we schedule your appointment, or you can call us at 1-888-999-6897.
What class do I need to take?
The class you need to take can vary depending on who is enrolled in WIC. We will let you know which class you need to take when we schedule your appointment, but if you have any questions please call us.
Do I need to do all of the classes?
No, we will let you know which class to complete when we schedule your appointment.